Speaker/Panelist at California Society if Industrial Medicine and Surgery
Disablity Evaluation Report Writing Coarse
February 2014
Guest Lecturer for the 2nd Annual Pre-Mecical and Pre-Health
Conference at Cal State University San Bernardino
January 2014
Guest Lecturer for Conference at Cal State University
Guest Lecturer Western University of Health Sciences
Spinal Pathology
Speaker at the Worker's Compensation Forum of the Inland Empire
The Low Black Injury
Speaker/Panelist for Annual Confernce "Empowering Men In Mathematics"
San Bernardino Valley College
Implant Arthroplasty for
A Ten Year Study
Western Orthopedic Association 1994
America Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons 1995
Total Knee Arthroplasty for Hemophiliac Arthropathy : A Ten Year Study
Western Orthopedic Association 1994
America Academy of Orthopedic Surgcons 1995
The Effects of Retained diaphyscal Plates on Forearm Bone Density and Grip Strength
America Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons 1993
Efficacy of Cefriaxone Versus Cefazfolin in the Prophylactic Management of
Extra-Articular Cortical Gunshot Wounds
Mational Medical Association 1992
Statistical Analysis of Wrist Arthrography Versus Arthroscopy in
Diagnosing Intercarpal Ligamentous Injury
Amarica hand Society 1990